The Roscrea Heritage Cookbook
Heritage is not only about buildings and objects, but also about traditions. Such intangible heritage is harder to grasp, as we depend on people to pass down the stories and customs from generation to generation. Although writing down practises and rituals does not guarantee the understanding of traditions in full, it helps us to remember and honour them, add our own ‘flavour’ to them and in keeping heritage alive.
With this in mind, the Roscrea Heritage Society would like to get some insight into local cooking traditions. The Society asks for your help to gather local and regional recipes that have been a tradition in your family for generations. Whether it is cookies and cake, a special soup, a hearty meal or a signature cocktail, we would love to hear from you!
Perhaps you can also offer insight into why this special dish or drink was such a success in your family? Was it related to a special occasion or person? Was there a secret ingredient? Did the dish develop over time? How is it used today? The story and recipe go hand in hand in making traditions last.
Your recipe will be saved in our archive for future generations. However, the Society hopes to receive enough responses to create a Roscrea Heritage Cookbook. Before we publish your contribution (either in a book, or online), we will contact you for more information, possibly an interview or photo, and your consent for publication.
Send us your recipe, story and/or photos now via the form, and we will be in touch soon!